Your one stop center for delicious and beautiful birthday and wedding cakes, cupcakes, chocolates, fruit tartlets, baby shower gifts, and lots more...
Dates shown below are fully closed for orders:
Kek Lapis Cadburry orders are now open for a limited period time only. So, hurry up and place your orders !!
The orders for other items are temporarily closed until further notice.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
SAINS Rembau..
This cake has been ordered by my lovely neighbour KakMirah for the HariRaya celebration at her office in SainsRembau (Syarikat Air NegeriSembilanRembau).
Thanks kak for the order....glad to hear that only the cake board and 2 pieces of flowers were left. Yang lain semualicin :D
I am Norain and I am based in Senawang, Seremban Negeri Sembilan. I can assure you that my products are made from the finest ingredients and one thing for sure, they are definitely homemade and halal. To place your order or if you have any query on any of my products, pls feel free to call me (012-699 8177) or e-mail to me (